Time Vital Capacity

Beneficial And Harmless

There are many reasons why you’ll need to find the maximum amount of air your lungs can expel. Depending on your lung’s conditions, it can be restrictive or obstructive. The former means that you can’t completely fill your lungs with air, while the latter means the airways are blocking air from getting inside your lungs. In any case, Onsite Medical Services will determine the problem and present solutions accordingly.

Types Of Lung Tests

  • Spirometry
  • Diffusion Capacity Test
  • Plethysmography Test


In this test, we’ll measure the amount of air you breathe in and out. We’ll ask you to sit in front of a machine and fit a mouthpiece, so the air you breathe goes directly into the machine. You’ll also be required to wear a nose clip to restrict you from breathing through the nose as it will make results inaccurate. Our respiratory experts will tell you how to breathe to produce accurate results.

Diffusion Capacity Test:

There are tiny air sacks inside your lungs called alveoli. The purpose of this test is to determine how well those air sacks work. We’ll ask you to breathe certain gases, such as carbon dioxide, helium, or oxygen, to perform the test. Another objective of the test is to find out whether your lungs are capable of transferring oxygen and carbon dioxide to your bloodstream or not.

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